We all know that growth happens when you step out of your comfort zone! Yet, it's extremely hard for us to do that. Are you stuck in your comfort zone? Do you feel paralyzed by the fear of trying new things and showing vulnerability?
It's time to take a step forward and stand on the edge between comfort and growth. With one foot in each zone, you can take small challenges to start your journey towards success.
Start experimenting and push yourself beyond your limits.
Here are some ideas:
As a salesperson, you can ask for referrals, spend time in self-learning, adopt a mentor or coach, and join peer support groups. Only 11% of salespeople ask for referrals, but 91% of customers say they would give them (1). Don't miss potential leads!
Ask one of the members of your team to join one of your video calls or listen to your calls, so that can give you their honest feedback. On the one hand this can be a very humble experience and on the other hand it will help you improve.
Sales reps who access up to 30 minutes of sales coaching per week have a win rate of 43%, and those with at least 2 hours of coaching have a win rate of 56%. Seek feedback, coaching or mentoring from your managers to achieve better results (2).
Join peer support groups to gain deeper insights by comparing yourself to others in your group. The benefits of small-group coaching come from powerful learning interactions among leaders who aren't on the same team with equal in experience and position.
Don't let your fears hold you back. Take a step towards the edge of your comfort zone and start your journey towards success (3).